Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Bali Wonderful

Eight days in Bali and every one of them a joy and an adventure. The memories we made will last a lot longer than the tans we started. Gentle people who daily live their lives through their religious beliefs; the offerings to the Gods that we found on pavements, outside shops, on steps, on top of monuments; the haggling so that the right price was paid, guilt appeased and both parties happy. We were in Ubud which is the main cultural centre and inland from the beaches and australian playgrounds and lucky enough to be there at the same time as Ubud's 8th Writer's and Reader's Conference. We went to a book reading/signing one night which as a child of The Age of Aquarius was more than mere serendipity. It was for a book about Rimbaud, written by Jamie James, and about the reconstruction of Rimbaud's time in Java and Bali. Such a plus and we met an interesting Mexican/American to boot.

We visited the Elephant Caves, saw the sun set at Tanah Lot, saw rice paddies, ginger and many spices growing au naturel. I tasted coffee beans which had been eaten by lurwak monkeys and then evacuated - apparently a delicacy. I found a worm, grub, whatever in my Nasi Goreng one night and when I pointed it out to the serene and beautiful waitress she took it back to the kitchen. On her return she serenely told me "Oh it's Ok, it come out of vegetables but it is FRIED". This was meant to reassure me. Hey, if that was the worst that could happen, dare I complain.

Our room was basic but very traditionally balinese with fresh frangipani blossoms put at our door and on our beds at night. We were at the far end Ubud, not at Monkey Forest Road more out towards Jampuhan and had about a twenty minute walk from "home" into the centre of town. One day it poured with warm rain and w gave ourselves over to it completely. We decided that it was in fact not raining. I repeat, NOT RAINING, and we just walked through it, perusing all and everything as we went.

Oh yes, Bali was Bliss and Bali Wonderful and I am sure I will visit again. There is more to say but that involves diaries and notes and today I am plain tuckered out. My beauty flies home today and I won't see her for weeks so I am off to see how she is progressing. She is still with me now here in Oz and about to fly bck to UK tonight. Leaving will be hard for her. But that is another story. Another day.
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Sunday, 2 October 2011


The stop cock has been located.  The last wash is on. Passports and documents safely in travel bag.  Fanny pack prominently sitting on top of travel clothes. Packing is 98% done. It is 1400 hours Sunday.  I AM NOT LEAVING UNTIL TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!!  Half the local area have my keys in case of emergency. There is being prepared and there is being anal.  I am obviously falling into the LATTER CATEGORY.

I have done this long haul journey so many times.  My family live the other side of the world and as I love them all dearly I go over to the antipodes as often as I can.  This time my daughter and I are taking a side trip to Bali.

She will turn up in a couple of hours with an old army roll bag and a soft vietnamese antique cotton bag which will hold her life.  It is a casual way to travel but probably OK for her as she has not had to fight with airlines to get preferred seating (yes I know I have to pay extra), arrange inocculations, get someone to open my mail in case that one important bill does not get paid, leave the place spotless for some visiting acrobats who are coming for a short stay in my absence, arrange the currency, put a converter app on my iPhone, make the last minute telephone calls, make sure someone knows where my will is,  read up on Balinese culture, programme Sky  so I don't miss my faves while I am away,  get cortisone jabs in lumbar spine, park the car where it has high visibility, find all the adaptors  and leads for phone, camera, laptop, iPod  ...............  and this is in the name of pleasure.

The relaxation  and pleasure will start when she arrives tonight and says "Hi Mama, I am so excited" and then I will know that all the preparation (I refuse to use the S word) has been worth it.  She is a good travel partner and this is obviously not our first trip together.  We will get a take-away tonight and sit and laugh at each other for being SO prepared.  She is so like me in many ways. Never late for an appointment, bus, train, interview.  It must be her swiss genes from her father.  I can't claim any of that DNA but I think his very Swissness rubbed off onto me for all the years we were together before the rotten fella up and died on us.

This is my second long haul this year but my sweet chick has not seen her aussie family for about six years. Now they are all almost old enough to go out on the toot together.  I think that three of them (at least) are planning a ceremonial tattoo together.  I know in daughter's case it will be a sweet one to go into her body library to join the ones from Bristol, Brighton, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam etc etc.  I have been thinking of getting one also but don't think I will piggyback their bonding.

I am now getting very excited just at the thought of the start of the journey.  The buzz at the airport where everyone travelling has a story to tell.  It is strange leaving in the middle of a mini heatwave to go to an even hotter climate. I have had to remember that I will be returning in Winter and make provision for that. Just pack another pash.

We are going this time to celebrate my mother's 90th birthday.  It will be the first time my mother has had all her six chicks and attendant grandchildren and great grandchildren around her and it will be a true celebration of alive that is still well lived.  She is frail. She has pain. She deals with it and will be feeling no pain when she sees us all together.  All the arrangements are in place for a big and splendid celebration. My mother. Ninety years old.  I don't think for a minute that I will make it.  I have not lived a life deserving of 90 years.  I sometimes wonder how I managed this far.  I have been a risk taker, an adventurer and a traveller in more ways that I sometimes wish to remember.  I am actually quite  grateful to have reached this far.

I always miss my pals when I am away and if I am away for too long, it sometimes takes a while to get back into the rhythm of my real life.  It takes at least two weeks to completely unpack and check the stack of mail.

Anyway I am rambling again.

Namaste to you all.  I will be blogging from Bali and Australia if you care to call by.

Oh, yes, I can feel the magic.  I am off to take ten items out of my case.  Another anal tradition.  I have never ever learnt to travel light.